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Parenting and Palestine: How to Live in the Present While Grieving

In times of grief and injustice, as we witness the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Palestine, it can feel overwhelming to balance heartache with the comforts of our own lives. As parents, this balance is especially challenging. We want to nurture our children and teach them to appreciate their blessings while also instilling empathy and awareness of the world around them. Here are five meaningful ways to help your children find peace in the present while honoring the pain and resilience of others.
1. Teach the Power of Dua and Empathy
Teach your children that dua is a powerful act of love and support. Sit down as a family to pray for the safety, peace, and justice of others. Involving children in dua shows them that even when we feel far away, our voices can reach those in need.
2. Discuss Injustice Honestly but With Care
Talking to children about global injustices can be difficult, but it’s essential to gently help them understand the world beyond their comfort. Explain, in an age-appropriate way, that some people are experiencing hardship, and emphasize that we can respond through dua, acts of charity, and caring for others in our own lives. This approach teaches compassion and helps children grow up with a grounded awareness of the blessings they enjoy.
3. Channel Guilt Into Gratitude and Action
Feeling guilty about our comforts can weigh us down, but instead of letting it overwhelm you, guide your children to channel it into gratitude and positive actions. Encourage daily expressions of gratitude to help children appreciate the blessings in their lives. Find small ways to take action, like donating, raising funds, or educating others, so they see that compassion is expressed not just through words but also through deeds.
4. Foster Connection With the Resilience of Palestine’s People
Share stories of Palestine’s rich culture, history, and the resilience of its people. Show them that, while Palestinians face challenges, they also possess dignity, strength, and faith. Let children see Palestinians as strong individuals and communities, not only as people in need of help. This perspective fosters admiration, helps your children feel connected to the wider Ummah, and teaches them to approach others with empathy and respect.
5. Model Presence and Hope
Our children look to us for comfort and stability, especially during difficult times. By grounding yourself in the present and finding joy in the small moments, you reassure them that peace and gratitude are possible even when we carry grief. Show them that being hopeful and joyful in the present doesn’t diminish our compassion for others. This balance teaches children resilience and inspires them to be sources of hope and kindness in the world.
Balancing compassion, gratitude, and hope as a parent helps us create a loving environment for our children. By nurturing empathy and resilience, we honor our responsibility to raise children who will, insha’Allah, grow up to make the world a more just and caring place.